We all need a helping hand. Some days, it feels like we need several, but maybe it just takes the right hand. Our own Kami Watson Huyse knows this very well. As an undergraduate student at George Mason University, she faced a fearful reality. WIth only one semester left before graduation, she no longer had the financial resources to complete her schooling.
“There were just a lot of really difficult semesters and that particular semester, I was short the money,” said Watson-Huyse. “I didn’t know what I was going to do, and back then there was no such thing as a GoFundMe, you know?”
Fortunately, the university gave Kami access to a very special opportunity. She was the recipient of a scholarship from renowned journalist Barbara Walters. Ms. Walters had spoken at Mason in 1993 and asked that her speaking fee be donated to a deserving female journalism student. “I got the news that I was going to get that scholarship, and it was just such a relief.” This scholarship played a pivotal role in her continued academic journey allowing her to remain at George Mason University and graduate on time.
“I've also got a nice little letter from Barbara Walters here,” Kami shares. “She said, ‘I was pleased to hear from you and to hear that you've received the Central Fidelity Barbara Walter Scholarship. Congratulations. Your letter made my day. With best wishes,’ and then she signed it.” This kindness meant more than the money. It changed Kami’s life. Had she not received the scholarship, the trajectory of her career, certainly her collegiate career, would have been impacted. She has never forgotten it.

Kami has taken this into her work life. She looks for opportunities to pay forward this act of kindness. Whether it is founding internship programs with the local community colleges, sponsoring a student membership in a professional organization, or daily nurturing mentor-like relationships with employees, her focus is always on providing opportunities for the next generation, just as it was provided for her.
You have probably heard the old adage about a rising tide lifting all boats. Well, in the case of Kami, she believes a hand up re-offered makes a ladder of success many can climb.